COVID-19 information

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Dear customers, dear suppliers, dear partners.

We strive to follow the advice of the Luxembourg government and try to adapt in the best possible way. In the wake of the decisions taken by the Luxembourg government, the management of the company SCE S.à r.l. has decided, in order to counteract the COVID-19 pandemic, to suspend all activities on the site from 20/03/20 at 17:00 until otherwise ordered by the Luxembourg government and this in order to protect the health of our employees, our customers, our partners’ suppliers and their families.


All your orders are still valid and will be executed as soon as the Luxembourg government allows the sites to reopen.

Our administrative staff is also kept to a minimum and can be contacted by email/phone for :
  • General questions/information
  • Inquiry and preparation of offers
  • Technical support
  • Electrical emergency inserts in all areas
The contact persons are:
D’Angelo StephanoSchanen Joe
Tél : +352 621 417 755Tél: +352 661 774 780
Mail : stephano.dangelo@sce-international.luMail :
We hope for your understanding and wish you good health and will come back stronger after this difficult period to successfully finish our projects together.